Contrerime XXXV
Un Jurançon 93
Aux couleurs du maïs,
Et ma mie, et l'air du pays :
Que mon coeur était aise.
Ah, les vignes de Jurançon,
Se sont-elles fanées,
Comme ont fait mes belles années,
Et mon bel échanson ?
Dessous les tonnelles fleuries
Ne reviendrez-vous point
A l'heure où Pau blanchit au loin
Par-delà les prairies ?
A note on the wine
Ne reviendrez-vous point
A l'heure où Pau blanchit au loin
Par-delà les prairies ?
The Jurançon 93
The colour of corn,
And my girl, and the country morn -
How my heart was free!
Is the Jurançon atrophied
Perished with drought,
Just like my gilded youth,
And my fair Ganymede?
‘neath the flowering shadows
Will you not come again
At the hour when Pau grows faint
Far beyond the meadows?
A note on the wine
The vine is
cultivated in Jurançon and in the nearby hills, on extremely steep slopes at
the foot of the Pyrenees. The quantity of wine produced is limited. It is white, a golden colour, sweet with a hint of Madeira. According to
legend, the grandfather of Henry IV rubbed the lips of his grand-son with a
clove of garlic and had him swallow a few drops of Jurançon a few moments after
birth. When the baby did not protest too much, he exclaimed: "You will
be a true Béarnais! "
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